Saturday, November 30, 2019
Physical Geography Climatology and Geomorphology
Primarily, physical geography is the study of the earthââ¬â¢s surface facial appearance and the connected developments. Although physical geography explores the geographic patterns of climate, flora, soils, landforms, and the corporeal milieu that emanate from the internal reactions, it has been an integral tool in international relations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Geography: Climatology and Geomorphology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Significantly, physical geography amalgamates with human geography to produce a mixture of the multifaceted exchanges between the natural world and society. There are two branches of physical geography, climatology and geomorphology. Climatology deals with the observation and analysis of weather conditions over an extensive period. For example, physical geography deals with varieties, sources, and distinctiveness of climates right through the world thus, interna tional relationship. Through the study of physical geography, human beings are able to understand and recognize diverse kinds of climates and consequently, construe the regional blueprint of allotment over the surface of the earth. For example, flight between two countries is possible if each country understand the climate of another country. On the other hand, geomorphology deals with the origin and development of landforms and in particular, the manner they occur on the surface of the earth. It also deals with the study of water catchment areas, oceanography and topographical features on the surface of the earth. In general, geography is the study of distribution of human beings and things over the surface of the earth, and the interrelationship between human beings and the natural world. Thus, an understanding of physical geography is a vital component in examining the current events taking place on earth and international relations. In addition, through physical geography, we un derstand why some countries are poor while others are rich. In most cases, countries that mine natural resources such as minerals and oil are rich and always dominate in international markets. Nevertheless, for countries to enter into agreement to exchange their goods and services, they have to sign treaties, which will oversee the smooth running of the affair. Not once, various countries have solved regional differences and conflict that result into political, economic and social interests due to the prior knowledge on physical geography. Physical geography plays a significant role in international relations. For example, in solving boundary problems between two bordering countries, physical features like mountains and rivers all play a significant role. The ongoing conflict between Sothern and Northern Sudan that has claimed millions of lives is mainly due to physical resources.Advertising Looking for essay on geography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This calls for diplomacy to solve the ailing problem. Geographical theories depicts the five geographical features, that is, size, location, topography, natural resources and climate, as the factors that dominate international relations. For example, for a long time, European Union has been in a deadlock over its institutional boundaries. However, the prior knowledge of physical geography has enabled European Union to solve this problem by extending the institutional reach towards Central and Eastern Europe to include other countries for the sake of fostering regional peace. The main reason of extending the boundary to include countries form this region, considered by many as a crush zone, was to create peace between Western Europe and Russia. A number of geographical factors have contributed to regional and international wars hence, calling knowledge of international relations to solve the disputes. It is important to note that the physical geography of a region favors a particular country in winning the war. Perhaps this is the reason why even from the ancient times, the acquisition of natural resources has in most cases, resulted into conflict and war between communities or countries. Nevertheless, through the knowledge of international relations and physical geography, peace and tranquility has returned into war torn areas. Thus, physical geography is an imperative discipline in the study of international relations. This essay on Physical Geography: Climatology and Geomorphology was written and submitted by user Cannonball to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Odyssey
Odyssey vs. Oââ¬â¢ Brother Where Art Thou This paper compares the Odyssey to Oââ¬â¢ Brother Where Art Thou. Even though Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey was written in Greek times, the movie Oââ¬â¢Brother Where Art Thou has many similarities. The Odyssey and Oââ¬â¢ Brother each start with an obstacle that keeps the main characters, Odysseus (Odyssey) and Everet (Oââ¬â¢Brother), from their homes and their wives for many years. Odysseus is kept from home because he is fighting the war between Troy and Greece, and for Everet itââ¬â¢s prison. When Odysseus escapes, from the war, and Everet escapes, from prison, they both try to return their homeland and their wives. Odysseus and Everet are blessed with meeting a blind prophet that tells them their journey but not what obstacles they will have to overcome. Odysseus first runs into a Cyclops that is the son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and when Odysseus barges in, the Cyclops eats 6 of his men. Everet though is traveling with only two other men, Pete and Delmar. When they barge in on Peteââ¬â¢s cousin his cousin turns them into the police. Odysseus believes that the gods didnââ¬â¢t help him by any means and Everet doesnââ¬â¢t believe in gods at all. This lack of faith proves to be wrong for both men at the end of their voyages. Pete and Delmar get baptized and Everet gives them credit for being dumber than a sack of hammers. Just after this they meet a thrill seeker named George Nelson a.k.a. Baby Face Nelson. In the Odyssey, Odysseus runs into Aeolous the cousin of Poseidon says: ââ¬Å"The sea is nothing without the wind.â⬠Aeolous just happened to be the god of the wind and gave Odysseus and his men a wind home and all the bad winds in a bag. I believe that George Nelson is comparable to Aeolous and the Sheriff is comparable to Poseidon. I also believe that the law is nothing without the crime, so George Nelsonââ¬â¢s conflict with the Sheriff is comparable to the conflict between Aeolous and Poseidon. Odysseus a... Free Essays on Odyssey Free Essays on Odyssey The Odyssey features many great women of classical fiction, and they represent the spectrum from the benevolent and chaste Penelope to the malevolent and chaotic Sirens. Yet despite their allegiance to good or evil, all of them play a major part in helping our protagonist Odysseus complete his circutious journey home. Although they were valued, the human women, were expected to possess certain traits and occupied a subservient and inferior position. The goddesses were also known for their beauty but possessed a little more power. The most important aspect of a women was her appreance and the children she bore. It meant everything in the Ancient Greece times. If important men and gods consider a woman beautiful, or if her son is a hero or important king, the woman is successful. During the book you will read nothing about a womenââ¬â¢s accomplishments in her lifetime. Their only role and only power they posses is their strong influence on men. The whole reason Odyssey had first left his home, was to help retrieve Helen and bring her to her home. To the men a women is a trophy that is to be placed upon the shelves and paraded around like a prize. Women in the Odyssey are very often seen and spoken about as sexual creatures. Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, is one such woman. Penelope was a women of beauty and grace, her suitors all waited for the day she would pick a new husband and as they did she approached them and used her powers to have them bring her gifts on the last night before her belove d husband arrived. ââ¬Å"The suitorââ¬â¢s knees went slack, thier hearts dissolved in lust-all of them lifted prayers to lie beside her, share her bed.â⬠For their beauty they were praised and loved. Throughout the book, everytime a women is mentioned there is a phrase or word that describes her for Penelope it was usually radient. For Athena the goddess, it was bright eyed. Every women was introduced or spoken about in a sexual way a... Free Essays on Odyssey Usually when the word hero is mentioned people tend to think of heroes such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. People often forget one of the most important and earliest of our time. The famous Greek poet, Homer, writes of him in one of his most famous works, The Odyssey. His name is Odysseus, King of Ithaca. Odysseus proves his heroism well throughout this story overcoming many obstacles and reaching his goal. All heroes possess three common characteristics. Neither are fools or invincible, each has a goal, and each is beset with many dangers, loneliness, and temptation. One can see after reading this great epic that Odysseus well deserves the title of a hero. The first main characteristic of a hero is that he or she is neither fool nor invincible. Odysseus cunning wit can be seen even before the Odyssey. He was the clever mastermind behind the great wooden horse of Troy. Odysseus again shows off his craftiness when he is found trapped in the cave of the Cyclops. He is able to defeat the Cyclops by using many sly tactics, such as getting the monster drunk and escaping under the bellies of sheep. On the island of Calypso, Odysseus uses his sensible mind on the goddess to assure of his safety once he is set free. Calypso replies, ââ¬Å"what a rogue you are to say such a thing! It shows the crafty way your mind worksâ⬠(75). Even the gods and noble kings recognize his ingenious mind. Odysseus also proves that he is invincible just as any other mortal man. Poseidon, the unpredictable god of the seas, has it in for Odysseus for killing his son, Polyphemus. Poseidon tortures poor Odysseus throwing him about the dark sea not allowing him t o return home for several years. Odysseus is also struck with the burden of losing his entire crew and being stranded on an island for seven years. His misfortune alone proves him to be invincible. The next main characteristic ever hero acquires is that each has a personal goal they strive to obtain. Ody... Free Essays on Odyssey Odyssey vs. Oââ¬â¢ Brother Where Art Thou This paper compares the Odyssey to Oââ¬â¢ Brother Where Art Thou. Even though Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey was written in Greek times, the movie Oââ¬â¢Brother Where Art Thou has many similarities. The Odyssey and Oââ¬â¢ Brother each start with an obstacle that keeps the main characters, Odysseus (Odyssey) and Everet (Oââ¬â¢Brother), from their homes and their wives for many years. Odysseus is kept from home because he is fighting the war between Troy and Greece, and for Everet itââ¬â¢s prison. When Odysseus escapes, from the war, and Everet escapes, from prison, they both try to return their homeland and their wives. Odysseus and Everet are blessed with meeting a blind prophet that tells them their journey but not what obstacles they will have to overcome. Odysseus first runs into a Cyclops that is the son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and when Odysseus barges in, the Cyclops eats 6 of his men. Everet though is traveling with only two other men, Pete and Delmar. When they barge in on Peteââ¬â¢s cousin his cousin turns them into the police. Odysseus believes that the gods didnââ¬â¢t help him by any means and Everet doesnââ¬â¢t believe in gods at all. This lack of faith proves to be wrong for both men at the end of their voyages. Pete and Delmar get baptized and Everet gives them credit for being dumber than a sack of hammers. Just after this they meet a thrill seeker named George Nelson a.k.a. Baby Face Nelson. In the Odyssey, Odysseus runs into Aeolous the cousin of Poseidon says: ââ¬Å"The sea is nothing without the wind.â⬠Aeolous just happened to be the god of the wind and gave Odysseus and his men a wind home and all the bad winds in a bag. I believe that George Nelson is comparable to Aeolous and the Sheriff is comparable to Poseidon. I also believe that the law is nothing without the crime, so George Nelsonââ¬â¢s conflict with the Sheriff is comparable to the conflict between Aeolous and Poseidon. Odysseus a... Free Essays on Odyssey The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return home after the Trojan war. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his ability to deceive and trick. From his misfortunes he learned to be a better man and became able to regain his place in his homeland of Ithaca. During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of bragging to his enemies but learns that doing this gives his enemies a chance to seek revenge against him. After leaving Troy, Odysseus attacks the land of the Cicones. Instead of leaving after his victory he satys to celebrate until a force is gathered against him. He must then flee after many of his men are killed. Afterwards Odysseus and his crew land on the island of the Cyclops. they are attacked and someof the men are eaten by Polyphemus. After getting the giant Cyclops drunk, Odysseus and his medn blind the monster with a spear in his one eye. The could have made an escape without misfortune but Odysseus mocked Polyphemus and shouted his real name, when before Odysseus had told Polyphemus that his name was "Noman". With this new information Polyphemus prays to his father, Peoeidon, to have Odysseus and his men punished. because he agnered Peoceidon, Odysseus must wander throughout the sea while his men slowly die one by o ne. Odysseus learns that bragging can have ill effects and uses this knowledge on the island of Phaecians and Ithaca when he does not openly brag about his deeds and his journeys. Odysseus also learns to pay close attention to the instructions of the gods, or he might have to face a terrible price. When Odysseus and his crew landed at the island of Aeolus, they were given a parting gift that would have helped if they had paid attention to the warnings of Aeolus. He gave Odysseus a bag full of the bad winds tha would keep them from their home of Ithaca. Odysseus and his crew were in sight of the homeland... Free Essays on Odyssey The Social Ritual of Leadership Leadership is an essential part for any group in a society that wants to be successful at whatever itââ¬â¢s trying to accomplish. Without a leader the group will not be able to achieve their goals. The group will instead be lost and confused. However, after that goal has been meet, does the leadership diminish as well? The passion that once was there to lead the group might not exist anymore. The wealth that the group has achieved will most likely outweigh the strength of the leadership that once excited. Also the groupââ¬â¢s willingness to listen to their leader will also decrease. In book IX of The Odyssey of Homer, Odysseusââ¬â¢ leadership starts to decline, as his group was able to reach the goal that they had set out to accomplish. The Greeks believed in the importance of social order and rituals, and one of those included having good leadership abilities. Odysseus has always portrayed himself as a true leader. He is the strongest and most powerful out of all of the men. He believed that he was the one that was responsible for leading his men to victory in the first battle against the Kikonians. Odysseus and his men defeated the Kikonians in battle and were rewarded with the war spoils that the Kikonians had to give to them. However, some of Odysseusââ¬â¢s men became greedy and took more possessions than was granted. They were just excited by the new fortunes that they had obtained. They did not listen to Odysseus because they had already gotten what they wanted. This caused the Kikonians to become frustrated by the way Odysseus and his people were dishonoring the social ritual of good hospitality. It will later lead to a second attack by the Kikonians and some of itsââ¬â¢ neighbors against Odys seus and his men. This starts to demonstrate the decline of Odysseusââ¬â¢ leadership abilities. In terms of the type of social order that the Greeks believed in, a good leader is someone that... Free Essays on Odyssey BOOK I TELL ME, O MUSE, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit, and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god prevented them from ever reaching home. Tell me, too, about all these things, O daughter of Jove, from whatsoever source you may know them. So now all who escaped death in battle or by shipwreck had got safely home except Ulysses, and he, though he was longing to return to his wife and country, was detained by the goddess Calypso, who had got him into a large cave and wanted to marry him. But as years went by, there came a time when the gods settled that he should go back to Ithaca; even then, however, when he was among his own people, his troubles were not yet over; nevertheless all the gods had now begun to pity him except Neptune, who still persecuted him without ceasing and would not let him get home. Now Neptune had gone off to the Ethiopians, who are at the world's end, and lie in two halves, the one looking West and the other East. He had gone there to accept a hecatomb of sheep and oxen, and was enjoying himself at his festival; but the other gods met in the house of Olympian Jove, and the sire of gods and men spoke first. At that moment he was thinking of Aegisthus, who had been killed by Agamemnon's son Orestes; so he said to the other gods: "See now, how men lay blame upon us gods for what is after all nothing but their own folly. Look at Aegisthus; he must needs make love to Agamemnon's wife unrighteously and then kill Agamemnon, though he knew it would be the death of him; for I sent Mercury to warn him not to do either ... Free Essays on Odyssey The ââ¬Å"Odysseyâ⬠is an epic story that has been a significant piece of literature since it was first composed and will remain so for ages to come. One of the reasons it has been so is because of the hero, Odysseus. Odysseus is one of the first Greek mythic heroes renowned for his brain as well as his muscle. Indeed he is a man with an inquiring mind, and he is also a man with outstanding prowess and bravery. We also must not forget that he is a top-notch athlete which only adds more to this seemingly insuperable character. It is no wonder why many scholars refer to Odysseus as a powerful mythic hero. Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses his reason and gift to evaluate things. This patience is one of his most important additional attributes. This has saved him and his men many of times, and it can be easily seen in various instances throughout his travels such as when he disguised himself as a beggar when he finally reached Ithaca, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself. As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses that prolonged his voyage back to Ithaca. His most important weakness that he possess is that of his pride. Pride is good to have, but in Odysseus' case he had to much of it. This is clearly evident in the episode on the cyclopes' island. When Odysseus and his men are clearly safe away from the island Odysseus braggs about his exploit. Polythemus hears this and hurls giant boulders in the direction of the ship. A couple came very close to sinking the ship. Still that was not enough for Odysseus. Carried away in his pride he unwisely gave away his identity to Polythemus. With that Polythemus called upon his father, Poseidon, to punish the man who had harmed him. That incident hurt Odysseus more than losing a few men, because Poseidon made his travel home ever so longer and arduous. Yet another weakness of our hero is his sensualness. Odysseus enjoys women. He stayed with Circe fo... Free Essays on Odyssey The tale begins on Mt. Olympus where Athena draws Zeus' attention to Odysseus whose journey has been halted on the island of Calypso. Zeus sends Hermes to have Odysseus released and Athena goes to Ithaca. In Ithaca she assumes a disguise and convinces Telemachus to go on a journey seeking news of his father. Telemachus calls an assembly announcing that the suitors who have besieged his house and have eaten his food for years are in the wrong. He goes to see Nestor at Pylos and Nestor does not know anything recent about his father. Nestor advises him to go to Sparta to see Menelaus. When he gets to Sparta, Menelaus tells him that the last thing he heard about Odysseus was that he was trapped on the island of Calypso. They feast together and talk into the night. Athena reminds Zeus to send Hermes to Calypso and he tells her that Odysseus may leave but under strict conditions: he has to build his own raft. Calypso isn't happy about the command and Odysseus has problems believing her. Once he has built his raft, she gives him food and sends him off. He sails for seventeen days and then his raft is destroyed by Poseidon. He is aided by a nymph and floats for two days to land. He is found by Nausikaa and told to go to the house of her father Alkinoos. Alkinoos hears part of his tale and secures passage for him back to Ithaca. There are athletic games and feasts at which a minstrel sings. The minstrel's songs make Odysseus cry and this makes Alcinoos even more curious about his situation. Alkinoos asks Odysseus if any of his relatives died at Troy and Odysseus begins his tale. He tells them how he left Troy and lost some men in a botched raiding party. Soon after this they came near the land of the Lotus eaters where some of his men were almost lost to the enchanting flower. Then came the island of the cyclops. Odysseus led his men in to investigate and were trapped by Polyphemus, one of the cyclo...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Casual Layered Analysis
Casual Layered Analysis Casual Layered Analysis is an effective mechanism of developing a wide range of strategic alternatives to achieve a specific goal. A Pakistani researcher called Sohail Inayatullah developed the mechanism. The Casual Layered Analysis tool breaks down the issue under scrutiny into four different divisions in an effort to shed sufficient light on the possible outcomes that the issue might yield. Through this undertaking, the tool is able to facilitate the consideration of a larger amount of scenarios that might result when applying a specific strategy. The four levels utilized by Casual Layered Analysis are Litany, Social Causes, Discourse or worldview and metaphor or myth. Description of Casual Layered Analysis Layers The litany is the first layer in Casual Layered Analysis. As illustrated by Sohail Inayatullah, litany involves the description of a certain issue through the use of quantitative techniques. The projections of current societal problems through the use of figures are often unauthentic in the view of Sohail Inayatullah. Little problems are exaggerated to seem big to ordinary people so as to create an atmosphere of fear. This has been used to draw political influence and prompt members of society to conform to the current conditions. Problems can be anticipated more accurately working back and forth through the different levels of Casual Layered Analysis (Inayatullah, 2009). The second level of Casual Layered Analysis is the social causes. In this level, the various factors that influence the issue under scrutiny are evaluated. The forces that affect the issues can be political, cultural, economic or historical. The environmental conservation issue can be used as an example to clearly describe this level of Casual Layered Analysis. Environmental conservation activists who try to come up with strategies to counter its effects believe that the main causes of environmental pollution are indecent behavior from people in terms of careless dumping and excessive toxic waste from industries. The main purpose of this level is to evaluate the sources of the issue under scrutiny (Inayatullah, 2009). The third level of Casual Layered Analysis is the discourse or worldview. The main focus of this level is the universal perception about the issue at hand. By evaluating the universal perception about the issue, an individual can get a deeper understanding of the issue by looking at the various assumptions that people old about the issue. For instance, in the case of environmental pollution, there is a concurrence among most members of society that the root of the issue is increased industrial activity. The perceptions held by various people can differ based on a persons culture, religion or amount of knowledge about the issue. For instance, a person with rich information about environmental conservation can say that global warming has caused the recent extreme weather cases. Oppositely, a person who is extremely religious will say that the recent cases of extreme weather are signs of the end of the world (Inayatullah, 2009). The fourth level of Casual Layered Analysis is myth or metaphor. These are beliefs and perceptions about the issue under scrutiny that have been existence for a long time. The focus of this layer is to evaluate a persons beliefs about the issue at hand. This layer uncovers the emotional attachments and various aspects of the unconscious mind that have an effect the way a person views the problem. The Casual Layered Analysis enables people to clearly understand the issue from numerous viewpoints. It breaks down the problem into multiple facets so that people can have numerous alternatives when trying to come with strategies geared towards the achievement of objectives regarding the issue. By going back and forth through, the layers provided by this tool, individuals can be able to come up with innovative strategies to achieve their future goals (Inayatullah, 2009). The new layers in the Casual Layered analysis should be geared towards the achievement of a specific goal. The new metaphor will be an adjustment of the previous myths that contributed to the creation of the current situation. The new myth should be full of possibilities and hope in order to give the individual the energy to conceptualize the most effective strategy to achieve his or her future ambitions. The new worldview will then be derived from the new myth. The new worldview should be encompassed of new possible mechanisms that can be utilized to achieve the future goals. The new litany and social causes will have changed to coincide with the new myth (Inayatullah, 2009).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Security Solutions for MANETs (mobile ad-hoc networks) including the Research Paper
Security Solutions for MANETs (mobile ad-hoc networks) including the development of IDS - Research Paper Example Moreover, these diverse issues obviously formulate a situation for developing multi-fence safety answers that attain both wide security as well as enviable network performance (Yang, Luo, Ye, lLu, & Zhang, 2004) and (Nash, 2000). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis mobile ad hoc security issues and offers security solutions for MANETs (mobile ad-hoc networks) including the development of IDS (Intrusion Detections System). This paper is aimed at assessing some of the main aspects of the MANETs (mobile ad-hoc networks) technology and possible security issues. This paper also suggests state-of-the-art security solutions in addition to mitigation actions those can be adopted to formulate better security of wireless communication systems. Introduction As the significance of network and computer communication technologies in our everyday life augments it as well poses new requirements for connectivity. However, the traditional wired technology and communication solutions have been there for an extensive era but there is increasing need of operational and working wireless systems and solutions in all the areas of life such as study, using internet, sending E-mail messages, altering data and information in a convention and so on. However, there exist diverse solutions regarding technology systems to fulfill these requirements. In this scenario, solution could be wireless LAN that is designed on the basis of IEEE 802.11 standard.. On the other hand, there is increasing need or demand for connectivity in circumstances where there is no backbone link or else base station accessible, for instance when two or additional Personal Digital Assistants require to be linked (Rashmi, 2008). MANETs (Mobile ad hoc networks) have intrinsically come up with diverse characteristics as compared to the conventional wired arrangement. However, mobile ad hoc networks have attained considerably growing attention, somewhat due to the possible establishment of the Mobile ad hoc networks to countless purposes. On the other hand, network security is still a vital issue in a mobile ad hoc network which is one of its fundamental weaknesses (Jangra, Goel, Priyanka, & Bhatia, 2010). Mobile ad hoc networks can be established at any place without some particular need for outside arrangement (similar to base stations or wires). Since they are frequently mobile and that is why a term ââ¬Ëmobile ad hoc networksââ¬â¢ is frequently employed when talking on the subject of Ad-hoc networks. Moreover, mobile ad hoc networks are frequently expressed as a self-governing system of mobile routers (as well as linked terminals) which are connected to each other through wireless connection, the merger of that shapes a casual chart. In this scenario, th e networkââ¬â¢s routers can be moved randomly and standardize themselves impartially; as a result,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assignment Week Two Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment Week Two - Term Paper Example arch is being carried out in different parts of the world, thus no one can claim that he is not a learner or he knows everything on any specific topic. Yes, one who evolved any principle theory on any subject and the theory is recognized scientifically worldwide, he can only claim to be the owner of that particular idea until and unless his idea / theory is challenged , changed, rejected or improved. If this is done that once again that individuals becomes a learner on the topic. The next idea that I liked a lot is the idea of five disciplines discussed in the ââ¬Å"Training Guideâ⬠because I had been involved in training people and had been imparting training on various topics frequently. Since, personal mastery involves a huge exposure on the topic therefore, it helps out the trainer to share his knowledge and experience, and also enables him to reply each and every question satisfactorily quoting examples from what he practically dealt with. While involving participants in two way talks, we ultimately share a lot of knowledge and personal experience of each other and thereby understand counter productivity. The shared vision certainly brings a lot of new ideas for every one especially for the leader and enables him to satisfy his topic of lecture more satisfactorily. I similarly do agree with the third discipline ââ¬ËMental Modelââ¬â¢. During all trainings, I myself frequently adapted this discipline and obtained a lot of new ideas to make the topic of lecture more satisfying and more useful. Every participant, who had some experience on the topic and could share his own mental model, was also making contribution that added to the knowledge base. This is important discipline and I always used it extensively. Team learning and system thinking are also deeply experienced in all training sessions. I always have taken opportunity of team learning by making two separate teams of equal participants and thereafter presenting ideas of each team to summaries the topic
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Managing and Developing People (Developing People) Essay Example for Free
Managing and Developing People (Developing People) Essay Introduction In this assignment I will be interviewing a member asking for their past experience for undergoing a training programme. I will be researching closely upon aspects * The need for the individual to be on the training programme? * Training method used? * What the cost was? * Any obstacles which made it difficult? These aspects would make the findings for knowing why the member took the training programme and if they gained any skills or knowledge when on the programme. Alongside with what troubles arose when carrying out the training. Interviewee Description The member which I will be interviewing is a 26 year old female called Miss Georgina McDonald who is smart and civilised. She is hard working and likes to socialise with peers and friends. She is able meet deadlines and able to work under pressure when a great load of work is put upon her. The work which Miss Georgina McDonald would train for would be to use the cash machine at Asda. Miss Georgina has had previous skill from her last job where she had to cash up all the finances of her fathers business on a daily basis. She has good numeric qualifications in which will benefit her for any job. Job Role In Miss Georginas previous job she had to cash up all the money which was done in her fathers business and had to input the tight figures so that it couldnt affect the accounts for the business. Her father had made her do the financing as she had the qualifications for maths and was able to count up properly. In Asda the job role which she would want to do is being at the cashing machine as this is one of the good things she is capable of doing. Identifying Reason for being on Training Programme The environment in which everyone does business in is changing constantly, the knowledge and skill needed for the job will also change. The individual to be on the training programme is so she can improve her skill on how to work on the cash machine. Training for using the cash machine is very essential as proper calculations are compulsory. Asda wants to make sure that who ever work in the cashier section is well trained and have no problems being able to carry out tasks on how to manage the cashier. This is taken as one of the important parts in a business as finances can not go wrong. Asda pushes on getting the individual well trained to be able to manage any troubles caused by being able to find out where she has gone wrong. All this matters in training and what they should be taught, what they need to collect how much, they need to give and if they go wrong somewhere how they can cover it. Miss Georgina was given the training as she did not have any cashier skills which would guide her alongside with the job. She had to be given a good level of training so that she could manage a till properly. Miss Georgina had been given the training because she knew without any previous skill or knowledge she would not be able to run a till. There were appraisals with Miss Georgina which helped her with the running and to tell her of any mistakes she was making and setting out objectives for the next appraisal. Description of Training Method For the individual to be on a training programme is so they can handle the work place more efficiently and work with what ever they have been given with best of ability. Usually young people who have left or still studying go on training programmes as it gives them the knowledge and motivation in life. Training methods come useful in the future as it shows what the individual has achieved and what they can offer to the business. Training comes in different form for e.g. * Induction An induction usually is the best way for people getting involved into activities in a new environment. This helps them to know the new place and be familiar with the others. This helps peoples confidence and be able to communicate with members. In Asda it is essential to give a new comer an Induction this is so that they would get familiar with any health and safety aspects and know where any fire exits are located. In many cases induction days are taken so that individuals can get to know the workforce which they in. This helps build confidence and gain a good communication. * Job Shadowing This training method is known as an activity which many organisation make employees do when doing a task. This activity can make an individual carry out a task and make them improve on in by someone senior watching or they could do the task by their own skill and be told what they could do better from improving the method. Asda would not use a job shadow to know what the member is capable of doing and how they would increase the skill by telling them what to do. * Mentoring This method helps individuals to carry out an activity with a senior teaching it. It helps individuals know where they are going wrong and how they can improve it. This helps the individual do the job from its existing skill and if they do it different then expected it would be corrected. Mentoring is a good way of identifying the individuals capability of doing a task and how they can do it. If a senior is to show them how to use a cash machine they would get to know what the functions are for. This method will be appropriate for Asda to do on the individual. * On the Job Training Many businesses usually use the method of training the individual at the work place. This is so that they can work with the resources the have there and also start off with using equipment they have to offer. The trainee is ready to undergo any task at the workplace immediately. When working on the job it is also an advantage to get feedback straight away rather then carrying out a task then being told later on. When the mentoring is done it is possible for the member to get on the job training so that they can work on the equipment at the work place. It is more of a benefit to get training in the real life rather then going somewhere and spending time there. If the member is able to carry the task and get training at the same time this would be less time consuming and not costly at all. * Off the Job Many businesses tend to send there trainees off to another place to learn how to carry out tasks. Resources are used which they offer there and they use them to carry the task. Off the job training also consists of sending an individual off to do a course which they learn at a college or university. Off the job training is worth doing at Asda as this could make the individual gain more experience and skill and carry out the task efficiently. Many times Asda does not send employees on off the job training as this is costly and time consuming. Identifying Training Needs for Trainee The reason for Miss Georgina to be on the training programme is so that she can increase on her productivity for what she is good at. This would make her efficient and comfortable in carrying out a day to day activity. The training needs which will benefit Miss Georgina would be Higher Productivity Efficiency Confident in Numeric Have a high level of Motivation Good future opportunity The reason why Miss Georgina has to be given this training programme is so that she could gain more knowledge on what she is good at. Miss Georgina is not fully qualified and understands the misuse of inappropriate use of calculations, this is why she has been given the opportunity to go on a training programme which she can touch up on and make sure that she dont make silly mistakes. Strength and Weakness The strengths for using the training method on the job training will be a strength as it will help the individual to get a better view of the organisation and who they will working with. This is an advantage because it increases confidence and able to socialise with piers. It builds a family environment when doing this aspect because before they can come in to the real job they would have made friends already. For carrying out an OJT this is a way which the member can increase in skills and be able to forward their knowledge to someone else. Advantages of On The Job Training * Training can be delivered at the optimum time, this means it can immediately perform the task any time in the real world. * The trainee will have the opportunity to practise immediately * Immediate feedback will be provided * Training is delivered to trainee from senior who can integrate the trainee in a team. The Weaknesses in a business will always be the time consuming which effects the running as this is a crucial time in a business. If training programmes are made long it will also effect the costing. A weakness for training a member is that after getting the training from somewhere they usually head off some where better. The weaknesses which Asda could face are Disadvantages for On the Job Training * Too much training can be delivered in one session causing of information overload. * The trainer may not have the right skill and knowledge to teach the trainee with. * If immediate practise is not accompanied by feedback the trainee can feel abandoned after the initial experience. Benefit and Costs for Training The costs for training the individual at Asda will cost nothing as it will be carried out on the job, meaning what every training the member will get will be done in Asda. The reason for this is that it will not cost at all and the individual will be able to stay on the premises that wont need to go off some where else. The benefit for doing this training will be so that the member can increase their knowledge by doing it efficiently and also if they have the opportunity to get promoted they could be able to handle a sector in Asda. The benefit for members to have a training programme is so that they can increase their skills and knowledge in any task they have been specified, also carrying out tasks more efficiently and in a short amount of time. By giving training it helps individuals to cut down on mistakes and blunders made by them. By training it can help health hazards reducing hazards being encountered at the work place. The costs for having training are the cost of materials which may be needed for the process and also the time needed by the members which will be issuing the programme. For training to be carried out it takes up a great deal of time for the leader as they have to make sure what they are teaching the member is relevant to the programme specified. It is also costly when setting up the resources for using on the training area and time is needed for when doing the training. Obstacles for Training Training can be seen in different ways, firstly, the management of the company might see it as a way of making the company more efficient, as well as teaching important skills to employees in order to improve performance. At the same time it can be seen as a way of rewarding hardworking employees with a different environment for a short period of time. On the other hand, employees might look back on their last training session, still trying to work out what exactly it was they learnt from the experience, but nevertheless having enjoyed the change of scenery but hating the pile of work that greeted them on their return. If training is implemented correctly it can bring back great rewards such as greater workplace efficiency, specialised skills and knowledge as well as employee satisfaction. Finally remember that depending on how training is done, it can be very productive and useful or a complete waste of time and money, it can bring teams together or split them apart.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Beatrice, Benedick, and Love
Beatrice, Benedick, and Love in Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Much Ado About Nothingà is set in thirteenth century Italy.à The plot of the play can be categorized as comedy or tragicomedy .à à à Villainy and scheming combine with humor and sparkling wordplay in Shakespeare's comedy of manners. Claudio is deceived into believing that Hero, is unfaithful. Meanwhile, Benedick and Beatrice have "a kind of merry war" between them, matching wits in repartee.à This paper will attempt to present the fact that Beatrice and Benedick are in love during the entire play despite their witty rivalries.à Their friends' schemes lead each to think that the other is in love, which allows the true affection between them which leads to the exchange of the sacred vows. ââ¬Å"They offer comedy of both character and situation.à The ââ¬Å"merry warâ⬠between them is established in the opening scene: Beatrice piles comic insults on Benedick both before she sees him and to his face, yet there is no mistaking her interest in him, however it may be expressed;à andà although Benedick declares himself ââ¬Ë a professed tyrant to their sexââ¬â¢Ã (1.1.161) and an opponent to marriage, he tells Claudio that Beatrice ââ¬Ëan she were not possessed with fury, exceedsââ¬â¢ Hero ââ¬Ëas much in beauty as the first May doth the last of Decemberââ¬â¢Ã (1.1.180-2).à Beatrice, too, though she says she prays morn and night that God will send her no husband, admits that there is something to be said for Benedick, were it not for his perpetual tattling (2.1.6-26)â⬠à (Wells 167). Beatrice and Benedick had been more or less in love for some time, and Benedick had retreated: Bene: O God, sir, hereââ¬â¢s a dish I love not! I cannot endure my Lady Tongue. Exit D. Pedro: Come, la... ...easonââ¬â¢, she loves him ââ¬Ëbut in friendly recompenseââ¬â¢; he takes her only ââ¬Ëfor pityââ¬â¢, she yields to him ââ¬Ëon great persuasion, and partly to save your life, for I was told you were in a consumptionââ¬â¢.à As pipers strike up the music for a final dance we can only agree that they were ââ¬Ëtoo wise to woo peaceablyââ¬â¢ (5.2.65)â⬠à (Palmer 119). Shakespeareââ¬â¢s interest in action frequently is merely tertiary to his powers of characterization and of language.à In Much Ado he created a puzzling relation between Beatrice and Benedick.à à It is upto the reader to interpret this relation as love or ââ¬Å"merry war.â⬠à Works Cited Bloom, Harold.à Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York : Riverhead Books, 1998. Palmer, John.à Comic Characters of Shakespeare. New York : Macmillan, 1959. Wells, Stanely.à Shakespeare -à a Life in Drama. New York : W.W Norton, 1997.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Acknowledgement: Project Management Essay
Project Team would like to express deepest gratitude to the following people who in one way or another contributed, helped, and supported them for the successful development of their project which is Software Development Plan. To Almighty GOD, for giving the Project Team the knowledge and wisdom to make the development of this Software Development Plan successful, and for giving the strength and blessing in order to overcome all the struggles and problems that the project team encountered while doing this project. To the Project Teamââ¬â¢s Family, for giving financial and moral support and the love that makes the team work hard to finish the project. To Mr. Christian D. Jamisola, for giving the guidance and support to the project team in developing this Software Development Plan. To Ms. Edelvita Marie D. Anonat, the project team content editor, for checking and correcting the grammer lapses of the SDP documents. To all friends and classmates, for their inspiration, never-ending encouragement and for being there in times of needs. PREFACE Creating the Software Development Plan will serve as the team guide in developing the Capstone Project, ââ¬Å"Web-Based The Lewis College Alumni Information Systemâ⬠. It indicates the process model, allocation of resources and other important matters of the system such as schedules, organizations, and constraints. This Software Development Plan is a plan to prepare and to guide the developers of the capstone project for the next school year as partial requirement of their course in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Marking Scheme
www. studyguide. pk UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level and GCE Advanced Level MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2008 question paper 9697 HISTORY 9697/01 Paper 1, maximum raw mark 100 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examinersââ¬â¢ meeting before marking began.All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidatesââ¬â¢ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. â⬠¢ CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2008 q uestion papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 2Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 GENERIC MARK BANDS FOR ESSAY QUESTIONS Examiners will assess which Level of Response best reflects most of the answer. An answer will not be required to demonstrate all of the descriptions in a particular Level to qualify for a Mark Band. In bands of 3 or 4 marks, examiners will normally award the middle mark/one of the middle marks, moderating it up or down according to the particular qualities of the answer. In bands of 2 marks, examiners should award the lower mark if an answer just deserves the band and the higher mark if the answer clearly deserves the band.Band 1 Marks 21ââ¬â25 Levels of Response The approach will be consistently analytical or explanatory rather than descriptive or narrative. Essays will be fully relevant. The a rgument will be structured coherently and supported by very appropriate factual material and ideas. The writing will be accurate. At the lower end of the band, there may be some weaker sections but the overall quality will show that the candidate is in control of the argument. The best answers must be awarded 25 marks. 2 18ââ¬â20 Essays will be focused clearly on the demands of the question but there will be some unevenness.The approach will be mostly analytical or explanatory rather than descriptive or narrative. The answer will be mostly relevant. Most of the argument will be structured coherently and supported by largely accurate factual material. The impression will be that a good solid answer has been provided. 3 16ââ¬â17 Essays will reflect a clear understanding of the question and a fair attempt to provide an argument and factual knowledge to answer it. The approach will contain analysis or explanation but there may be some heavily descriptive or narrative passages. T he answer will be largely relevant.Essays will achieve a genuine argument but may lack balance and depth in factual knowledge. Most of the answer will be structured satisfactorily but some parts may lack full coherence. 4 14ââ¬â15 Essays will indicate attempts to argue relevantly although often implicitly. The approach will depend more on some heavily descriptive or narrative passages than on analysis or explanation, which may be limited to introductions and conclusions. Factual material, sometimes very full, will be used to impart information or describe events rather than to address directly the requirements of the question.The structure of the argument could be organised more effectively. 5 11ââ¬â13 Essays will offer some appropriate elements but there will be little attempt generally to link factual material to the requirements of the question. The approach will lack analysis and the quality of the description or narrative, although sufficiently accurate and relevant to the topic if not the particular question, will not be linked effectively to the argument. The structure will show weaknesses and the treatment of topics within the answer will be unbalanced. 6 8-10 Essays will not be properly focused on the requirements of the question.There may be many unsupported assertions and commentaries that lack sufficient factual support. The argument may be of limited relevance to the topic and there may be confusion about the implications of the question. 7 0-7 Essays will be characterised by significant irrelevance or arguments that do not begin to make significant points. The answers may be largely fragmentary and incoherent. Marks at the bottom of this Band will be given very rarely because even the most wayward and fragmentary answers usually make at least a few valid points. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. k Page 3 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 Section A: The Origins of World War I, 18 70ââ¬â1914 Source-Based Question: Analysis and Evaluation 1 ââ¬ËSerbia was most to blame for the Sarajevo Crisis. ââ¬â¢ Use Sources Aââ¬âE to show how far the evidence confirms this statement. CONTENT ANALYSIS [L2ââ¬â3] EVALUATION [L4ââ¬â5] A Strong antiAustrian, antiFranz Ferdinand statement by a member of a terrorist group. Y-Threats expressed to Austria and the Archduke B Official letter from a German Ambassador to the Kaiser with his handwritten notes. Y-The Ambassador urged Austria to take a oderate attitude and avoid an extreme response. N-William II realised that the situation was very serious and fully supported Austria. He did not urge moderation. CROSSREFERENCE TO OTHER PASSAGES Y-Source C agrees Y-Source can be that there was accepted not only widespread antias the personal Austrian feeling in view of the writer but as the opinion of Serbia. N-Contradicted by other members of Source D and the Black Hand. especially Source E, N-Source comes from a mem ber of a the views of official Serbian opinion small group. Although particularly which is anxious to reach a settlement iolent, it was not with Austria. representative of general Serbian opinion. Y-The letter is authentic and probably reflects accurately the views of the Ambassador. Y-The Kaiserââ¬â¢s handwritten notes are authentic and reflect his reaction to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Y-Although the writers of B disagree about Austriaââ¬â¢s reactions, taken together they represent different German opinions. Y-Agrees with Source A that the Austrians see danger in Serbia. Source C agrees that Serbian public opinion is very widely anti-Austrian. N-Source D gives the cautious and anxious views of the French nd British governments. There is also a reference to the fears of the Serbian government. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net OTHER (e. g. Contextual knowledge) Y- Serbia was the leading state in the Balkans that represented a serious nationalist threa t to the diverse Austrian Empire. It might have done more to suppress violent groups. N-The Serbian government was not responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This act was condemned universally but Austria used it as an excuse to take action against Serbia. It did not enter negotiations seriously. Y-By 1914, Austria was eeply suspicious of Serbia as the leader of hostile new independent states, threatening the further break-up of its Empire. Y-Serbia did not act sufficiently to suppress anti-Austrian terrorist groups. N-The Kaiserââ¬â¢s notes reflect his complete support for Austria, e. g. the Blank Cheque, and his tendency to adopt hasty and immoderate attitudes. N-The conditions that Austria made on Serbia were probably too humiliating to be acceptable. www. studyguide. pk Page 4 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 C Letter of an Austrian diplomat to the Austrian ForeignMinister Y-Anti-Austrian feeling was widespread i n Serbia. All social and political groups were involved. There was even the (ludicrous) claim that Austria had caused the assassination. Y-The diplomat was in Belgrade when he wrote the letter; he had first-hand knowledge. N-He neglects the reasons for Serbian hostility to Austria. Y-Agrees with Source A, which is evidence of terrorist animosity to Austria. Agrees with the Kaiser in Source B that Austria had a justified grievance against Serbia. N-Disagrees with D, the moderate views of other major states who do not condemn Serbia. Disagrees ith Source E, which is an offer by the Serbian government to settle differences. Y-Anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia had been building up for a long time. An example was the Balkans Wars. Austria felt itself on the defensive. N-Serbia was a smaller country and did not represent a major threat, even to a declining Austria. D Letter from the French Ambassador to his Foreign Minister. N-Fears of an extreme Austrian reaction are shared by the governme nts of France, Britain and Serbia. Austria is seen as the major danger to peace. Y-The letter probably represents accurately the discussions in which he Ambassador was involved. N-Source does not appreciate the reasons why Austria was taking a strong line against Serbia. Y-Source B partly agrees inasmuch as the German Ambassador dissuaded the Austrians from taking extreme measures. Source E agrees as the offer of the Serbian government to resolve differences with Austria. N-Source C strongly disagrees. Source A can also be seen to disagree because it shows the unremitting hostility of an antiAustrian terrorist group. Y-France and Britain wished to defuse the Sarajevo crisis. The Serbian government was willing to make concessions. N-The British overnment did not make its exact attitude sufficiently clear. E Message from a Serbian Ambassador to his Prime Minister. N-The Serbian government condemns the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and wishes to strengthen good relations with Austri a. Y-The message is reliable because it is very probably authentic. N-The Serbian government had not previously done all possible to suppress violent anti-Austrian groups. Y-Source D agrees directly and indirectly. Source B partially agrees (the words of the German Ambassador). N-Source A can be taken to disagree as can the Kaiserââ¬Ës notes in Source B.Source C strongly disagrees: opinion in Serbia is extremely anti-Austrian. Y-The Serbian government responded positively to Austrian demands after the Sarajevo assassination. N-The Serbian government had tolerated the presence of some extreme antiAustrian groups. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 5 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 Marking Notes [Note: all papers are to be marked using the generic marking bands for source-based and essay questions. ) 1 Source-Based Question L1 WRITES ABOUT THE HYPOTHESIS, NO USE OF SOURCES [1ââ¬â5]These answers write about Sa rajevo or even generally about 1914 but will ignore the question, i. e. they will not use the sources as information/evidence to test the given hypothesis. For example, they will not discuss ââ¬ËSerbia was most to blame for the Sarajevo Crisisââ¬â¢ but will describe events very generally. Include in this level answers which use information taken from the sources but only in providing a summary of views expressed by the writers, rather than for testing the hypotheses. Alternatively, the sources might be ignored in a general essay answer. L2 USES INFORMATION TAKEN FROM THE SOURCES TO CHALLENGE OR SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS 6ââ¬â8] These answers use the sources as information rather than as evidence, i. e. sources are used at face value only with no evaluation/interpretation in context. For example, ââ¬ËAustria exaggerated the crisis caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The German Ambassador in Source B does not think that the Austrian government should tak e precipitate measures against Serbia, preferring a more considered approach. Source D states that the British Foreign Minister shared this view and believed that the Austrian government should be reasonable in its demands on Serbia.Source E gives the view of the Serbian government, in which it promised not to allow extremism against Austria in its territories. Those proved of being involved in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand would be punished. The Serbian government wished for good relations with Austria. ââ¬â¢ Or alternatively, ââ¬ËAustria did not exaggerate the crisis caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Source A portrays the extreme opinions of a member of a terrorist group even after the assassination. They represented a potent threat to Austria.In Source B, the Kaiser supported Austria and did not agree that Austria should be advised to be cautious. In Source C, the Austrian diplomat describes widespread extreme anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia after the assassination. ââ¬â¢ L3 USES INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SOURCES TO CHALLENGE AND SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS. [9ââ¬â13] These answers know that testing the hypothesis involves both attempting to confirm and to disconfirm it. However, sources are used only at face value. For example, ââ¬ËThere is evidence for and against the claim that Serbia was most to blame for the Sarajevo Crisis.Source A supports the claim because it is evidence of the views of a member of a terrorist group that was completely anti-Austrian and completely critical of the visit to Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was not only expressing his own opinion. This is supported in Source B by the views of Kaiser William II and in Source C, the description of anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia. On the other hand, the claim is contradicted by other Sources. Source C records the fears of a Serbian Ambassador in Britain that Austria would overreact whilst Grey, the British Foreign Minister, had asked the Austrian government to pursue oderate policies. Source E proves that the Serbian government was willing to punish those who were responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and sought good relations with Austria. ââ¬â¢ à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 6 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 L4 BY INTERPRETING/EVALUATING SOURCES CHALLENGE OR SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS. IN CONTEXT, Syllabus 9697 FINDS Paper 01 EVIDENCE TO [14ââ¬â16] These answers are capable of using sources as evidence, i. e. demonstrating their utility in testing the hypothesis, by interpreting them in their historical context, i. . not simply accepting them at face value. For example, ââ¬ËIt is more accurate that Austria exaggerated the crisis caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Source A is violently anti-Austrian and regards the Archduke as a tyrant. It was particularly offensive to issue such a statement soon after the ass assination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. However, the Black Hand group was a small minority and not necessarily representative of the wider Serbian opinion. The Kaiserââ¬â¢s support of stern Austrian action in Source B is typical of his volatile tendencies.It is not reliable as evidence of Austriaââ¬â¢s reaction. Source C is a long account of anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia but is not necessarily reliable although it is written by a diplomat. It is contradicted by the views of the Serbian Ambassador in Source D, who claims that Austria had pursued anti-Serbian policies for a long time, and even more by the Serbian Ambassador in Source E. There might have been strong anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia, as Source C reports, but Source E is strong evidence of the wish of the Serbian government not to provoke Austria.Source D includes the views of other governments. Both the French and British governments believe that the Austrian government should remain calm. There was a long history of ill feeling between Austria and the Balkan states, especially in Serbia. The assassination of a leading member of the Austrian royal family (the Emperorââ¬â¢s heir) was particularly dramatic but Austria shared the blame for the poor relations between these countries. ââ¬â¢ L5 BY INTERPRETING AND EVALUATING SOURCES IN CONTEXT, FINDS EVIDENCE TO CHALLENGE AND SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS. 17ââ¬â21] These answers know that testing the hypothesis involves attempting both to confirm and disconfirm the hypothesis, and are capable of using sources as evidence to do this (i. e. both confirmation and disconfirmation are done at this level). For example, (L4 plus) ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ However, the sources can also be interpreted to show that Serbia was most to blame for the Sarajevo Crisis. Source A comes from a member of a terrorist group that had carried out the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and its programme was widely supported in Serbia.There is no sign th at the Black Hand would end its activities and, although it had few members, the danger that they represented had already been proved by their role in the assassination. Source B includes the provocative views of the Kaiser but the German Ambassadorââ¬â¢s letter does not criticise the Austrians for exaggerating the crisis; he only wishes the Austrians to be moderate in their response. Source C is strong evidence of the anti-Austrian sentiments in Serbia. The diplomat was correct in his belief that such feelings were very widespread in Serbia.It is also true that Serbia, like other Balkan states, believed that Austria was a declining power. Austria had to take strong action to counter this opinion. Even more insulting was the allegation that Austria had caused the assassination. ââ¬â¢ à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 7 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 L6 AS L5, PLUS EITHER (a) EXPLAIN WHY EVIDENCE TO CHALLEN GE/SUPPORT IS BETTER/ PREFERRED, OR (b) RECONCILES/EXPLAINS PROBLEMS IN THE EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT NEITHER CHALLENGE NOR SUPPORT IS TO BE PREFERRED. [22ââ¬â25]For (a), the argument must be that the evidence for challenging or supporting the claim is more justified. This must involve a comparative judgement, i. e. not just why some evidence is better, but why some evidence is worse. For example, ââ¬ËAlthough there is evidence in the Sources both to challenge and support the claim that Serbia was most to blame for the Sarajevo Crisis, the more convincing case contradicts the claim. The strongest evidence is from the Sources that show how anxious the Serbian government was to defuse the situation. These are Source D and especially Source E.Although Source D is a letter from the Ambassador of a country that was not friendly towards Austria, it is probably an accurate account of the discussions that he was involved in. It can be supported by own knowledge that the Serbian governmen t was fearful of Austria and that the British government, represented by Grey, called for moderation. Source E is very probably an accurate account of a Serbian governmentââ¬â¢s message to Austria and its wish to avoid extreme action. Source A should not be given much weight as justification for harsh policies by Austria. The members of the Black Hand group were few.They were a danger to Austria but this did not justify action against Serbia as a whole. The handwritten notes of William II in Source B are an exaggerated response in support of Austria. They contrast with the more sensible attitude of the German Ambassador in this extract. Whilst Source C is probably a generally accurate account of anti-Austrian feeling in Serbia, it ignores Austriaââ¬â¢s responsibility for bad relations between the states. ââ¬â¢ For (b) include all L5 answers which use the evidence to modify the hypothesis (rather than simply seeking to support/contradict) in order to improve it.For example, ââ¬ËAn alternative explanation is that, although Austria did not exaggerate the horror of the assassination in the short term, it was not justified in using it as the excuse for a major war against Serbia which was then to involve all of the major countries in Europe. The assassination did not only horrify Austria but all major European countries, the members of the Triple Entente as well as those of the Triple Alliance. Austria used the assassination to justify the complete suppression of Serbia, which had been its enemy for a long time. Source C is the only extract that refers to long-term issues and it is very one-sided.However, the crisis in Sarajevo can only be understood when we consider these long term issues, including the animosity between the Austrian Empire and the more recently independent Balkan states and Austriaââ¬â¢s membership of the Triple Alliance, with its rivalry to the major states in the Triple Entente. The Serbian government could have done more to supp ress anti-Austrian terrorist groups but it did not have direct responsibility for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo and tried seriously to defuse the situation. ââ¬â¢ à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 8Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 Section B Essay Questions 2 How far did Napoleon Bonaparte ensure liberty and equality in his domestic government of France? The key issue is the nature of Napoleonââ¬â¢s government of France. The question clearly refers to domestic issues; discussions of foreign policy or the impact of Napoleonââ¬â¢s rule on other countries will not be relevant unless they are a brief part of introductions or conclusions. One would expect answers in Bands 1 (21ââ¬â25) and 2 (18ââ¬â20) to consider arguments for and against Napoleonââ¬â¢s support for liberty and equality.However, examiners should not require an equal balance. The balance will reflect the arg ument. For example, it might reject ââ¬â¢liberalââ¬â¢ measures as of minor importance. Answers in other Bands might plump for an argument that accepts or rejects ââ¬â¢liberty and equality;ââ¬â¢ without considering the alternative at all. It will be relevant to discuss the Code Napoleon (1804), an attempt to unify the diverse laws of France. Its confirmation of equality before the law and the end of privilege, and religious toleration would point towards Napoleonââ¬â¢s liberalism. Careers were open to talent.However, associations of workers were banned and women were given fewer rights than men. Napoleon kept a tight hold on power through his autocratic rule. Officials were nominated and the Empire ensured Napoleonââ¬â¢s personal rule. Opposition was suppressed and reference might be made to the work of Fouche as Minister of Police. Equality was limited by the restriction of promotion to Napoleonââ¬â¢s supporters. 3 Why did industrialisation have important politi cal effects on Europe during the nineteenth century? (You should refer to developments in at least two of the following countries: Britain, France and Germany in your answer. The key issue is the link between industrialisation and political developments. Candidates are asked to refer to at least two countries. This should help to avoid vague responses. However, examiners will not expect any balance between the two or three countries and the question does not specify how much time should be given to particular examples. It will not be necessary to describe the development of the Industrial Revolution per se but to link developments to the key issue. It might be argued that the Industrial Revolution encouraged the growth of a new middle class.Its economic wealth enabled it to play a more important political role. Reference might be made to the Reform Acts (1832 and 1867) in Britain and to political advances in France from 1848. The position of the urban working class, although it lack ed economic power, was enhanced by its concentration in large towns. Gradually political concessions had to be made to them, partly to avoid unrest. Reference might be made to the Reform Acts (1867 and 1884), with its supplements such as the Secret Ballot Act, in Britain and to political events in France.Political concessions were also made to the working class in Germany by the end of the nineteenth century. It will be relevant to discuss social reform, for example in education and housing, which came about largely because of the political pressures from the working class. High credit should be given when candidates point out the link between industrialisation and new political ideas such as Socialism and Marxism. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 9 4 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01Why was Bismarck more successful than the revolutionaries of 1848ââ¬â49 in unifying Germany? The key issue is the contrast betwe en Bismarckââ¬â¢s success and the failure of the German revolutionaries in 1848ââ¬â49. Examiners should expect a reasonable balance. 60:40 either way can merit any mark but 70:30 would normally lead to the award of one Band lower than would otherwise be given. However, as in all answers, the overall quality of the argument will be the most important criterion. An excellent discussion of Bismarck in an otherwise unbalanced answer might still be worth a high mark.Band 5 (11ââ¬â13) will require a basic understanding of either Bismarck or the 1848ââ¬â49 revolutions. The question asks ââ¬ËWhy? ââ¬â¢ and the most effective answers will be analytical but answers that contain sequential analyses of Bismarck and 1848ââ¬â49 should not be undervalued. Bismarck was helped by Prussiaââ¬â¢s strong military power whereas the earlier revolutionaries had been militarily weak. He was supported by William I whereas Frederick William IV spurned the possibility of a German cr own. However, Frederick William IV did introduce a comparatively liberal constitution that became attractive to other German states.Prussiaââ¬â¢s economy was strong; candidates can discuss the importance of the Zollverein. Bismarck was more skilful in handling the other German states. He was more successful in dealing with other countries through his diplomacy and use of war. Candidates can illustrate this through the Danish War (1864), the Austro-Prussian War (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870). Meanwhile, Austria was a weaker rival by the 1860s and less able to prevent German unification. 5 Explain the problems European countries faced in promoting imperial expansion during the later nineteenth century.The key issue is the problems faced by European countries when they engaged in imperial enterprises. Examiners will look for some examples, both from Europe and overseas. However, the range of possible overseas examples is wide and examiners will be realistic in their expec tations. For example, some very good arguments might be supported by examples from a limited range of regions. There were problems in communication. Governments were sometimes involved in enterprises because of the actions of local officials, for example Britain and Cecil Rhodes. Sometimes different policies were favoured.For example, Bismarck was less enthusiastic than German public opinion. In spite of hopes for profits, imperial expansion could be expensive. Imperialism resulted in tensions between countries and added to military costs because larger and more expensive navies were needed. There was the danger of war and reference can be made to some crises such as Britain and Franceââ¬â¢s involvement at Fashoda (1898). Some candidates might slant the question to use ââ¬Ëproblemsââ¬â¢ as a device to explain the causes of imperialism, for example economic advantage or strategic interests.This will be valid as long as the link is made between causes and problems. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 10 6 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 Why was the First World War so important in the downfall of the Romanov regime and the victory of the Bolsheviks? The key issue is the link between the First World War and the events of 1917. Candidates might take either of two approaches. 1914ââ¬â17 might be seen as the culmination of a long decline of tsarist government, with less attention being given to the wartime period.Alternatively, answers might begin in 1914. Either approach is possible but the temptation in the first will be to spend too long on the pre-war period. In particular, the Bolsheviks were not in a strong position in 1914 and answers in Band 1 (21ââ¬â25) and Band 2 (18ââ¬â20) will need to show a sound understanding of the Bolshevik victory by the end of 1917. Answers that deal only with the February or the October Revolutions might find it difficult to get beyond Band 3 (16ââ¬â17). The war discredited Nicholas IIââ¬â¢s regime. Russia suffered heavy defeats with massive casualties.The resulting inflation ruined an economy that had been improving by 1914 but was still too weak to sustain the pressures of the conflict. Food became short. The Tsarââ¬â¢s decision to take personal command showed his lack of ability as a military leader but it also discredited him politically. Russia was left to the rule of Tsarina Alexandra and Rasputin. The outcome was the February Revolution. In spite of their later propaganda, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were not important in this rising. Kerensky and the Provisional Government failed to establish a stable government.They tried to deal with grievances about food and land but ineffectively. The many political groups could not be managed. The war continued unsuccessfully and the resulting grievances increased. Although Lenin and the Bolsheviks were checked in the July Days, Kornilovââ¬â¢s attempted coup discre dited Kerensky. The October Revolution showed the ability of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, although a minority, to take decisive action. Leninââ¬â¢s promise of major reforms and slogans such as ââ¬ËAll power to the sovietsââ¬â¢ had an enthusiastic response. Lenin soon abandoned his offer of a coalition government to install the Bolsheviks firmly in power. ââ¬ËThe unpopularity of the Versailles settlement was the most important reason why Hitler gained power in 1933. ââ¬â¢ How far do you agree with this judgement? The key issue is the reasons why Hitler came to power in 1933. Candidates might continue the explanation throughout 1933 by explaining the sequence of events from his appointment as Chancellor to the introduction of the Enabling Act. However, answers that end with the Chancellorââ¬â¢s appointment can merit any mark. The question asks candidates to consider particularly the importance of the Versailles settlement.This dismantled the German military. Colonies we re surrendered. There were territorial concessions in Europe, especially the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France and the loss of areas in the east to Poland. People who were regarded as German were living in other countries. Reparations had to be paid. Unification with Austria was forbidden. The War Guilt clause attributed blame for the First World War to Germany. Hatred of the settlement, the ââ¬Ëstab in the backââ¬â¢ and the ââ¬ËNovember Criminalsââ¬â¢ united Germans. This can form the basis of a good answer.However, answers in Band 1 (21ââ¬â25) and Band 2 (18ââ¬â20) can be expected to go further and compare Versailles as a reason with other factors. Weimar Germany did not establish a stable democracy. Proportional representation allowed small parties to exert undue politician influence. Changes of government were frequent. Extreme right and left-wing parties caused tensions. However, high credit should be given to candidates who understand the limited appeal o f the Nazis in the 1920s. The Munich Putsch (1923) was put down easily. The army and the Junkers/traditionally strong right-wing social classes continued to exert influence.Nevertheless, Weimar seemed to have been more successful in the 1920s. It alleviated the worst economic effects of the war, came to agreements about the repayment of reparations and was accepted as a leading member of the League of Nations. The death of Stresemann was a blow and it can be argued that the Wall Street Crash (1929) that drove the Weimar Republic off-course. Hitler himself was an effective leader. He built up the Nazis through organisation and propaganda to become the second largest party in the 1930 election and the largest in 1932 ââ¬â but they actually lost support in a later election that year.He kept his nerve when others, such as von Papen, thought that they could control him, refusing to accept any office except Chancellor. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net www. studyguide. pk Page 11 8 Mark Scheme GCE A/AS LEVEL ââ¬â May/June 2008 Syllabus 9697 Paper 01 How different were Stalinââ¬â¢s policies in governing Russia to 1939 from those of Nicholas II? The key issue is the contrast between Stalin and Nicholas II. Examiners can look for a balanced approach. 60:40 either way can merit any mark but 70:30 would normally lead to the award of one Band lower than would otherwise be given.However, as in all answers, the overall quality of the argument will be the most important criterion. An excellent discussion of either Stalin or Nicholas II in an otherwise unbalanced answer might still be worth a high mark. Candidates are free to argue that the similarities were more important than the differences: they were both autocrats; they suppressed political opposition; their secret police operated outside the law; they represented a personal cult of government. However, it might be claimed that Stalinââ¬â¢s rule was more brutal. The millions of casualties went far beyo nd the numbers who were prosecuted/persecuted by Nicholas II.Their ideologies were different. Stalin claimed, justifiably or not, that his regime was based on Marxism. Nicholas II ruled by divine right. A few candidates might mention their different attitudes to religion and the Church but this is not necessary for any mark. Their economic policies were different. Stalin regarded economic change as a high priority. He pushed through radical reforms in agriculture and industry that had wholesale social implications. Nicholas II allowed some economic reforms ââ¬â for example the policies of Witte and Stolypin ââ¬â but they were not particularly important to his conservative mind.Nicholas II was averse to change, unlike Stalin who introduced constant political social and economic change. Although he enjoyed an autocratic position, Nicholas II was personally weak, open to advice especially from the Tsarina. He allowed some courtiers and Rasputin to have too much influence. Stali n shared power with nobody. He destroyed those who helped him to power, including Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin. The purges destroyed people who were not a real threat to his regime. à © UCLES 2008 www. xtremepapers. net
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Short History of Violent Buddhism
A Short History of Violent Buddhism Founded around 2,400 years ago, Buddhism is probably the most pacifistic of the major world religions. Siddhartha Gautama, who reached enlightenment and became the Buddha, preached not just non-violence toward other human beings, but non-harming of all living things. He said, As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I. Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor convince others to kill. His teachings stand in stark contrast to those of the other major religions, which advocate execution and warfare against people who fail to adhere to the religions tenets. Dont Forget, Buddhists Are Only Human Of course, Buddhists are human beings and it should come as no surprise that lay Buddhists over the centuries have sometimes marched out to war. Some have committed murder, and many eat meat despite theological teachings that stress vegetarianism. To an outsider with a perhaps stereotypical view of Buddhism as introspective and serene, it is more surprising to learn that Buddhist monks have also participated in and even instigated violence over the years. Buddhist Warfare One of the most famous early examples of Buddhist warfare is the history of fighting associated with the Shaolin Temple in China. For most of their history, the monks who invented kung fu (wushu) used their martial skills mainly in self-defense; however, at certain points, they actively sought out warfare, as in the mid-16th century when they answered the central governments call for aid in the fight against Japanese pirates. Tradition of Warrior-Monks Speaking of Japan, the Japanese also have a long tradition of warrior-monks or yamabushi. During the late 1500s, as Oda Nobunaga and Hideyoshi Toyotomi were reunifying Japan after the chaotic Sengoku period, most of the famous temples of warrior monks were targeted for extermination. One famous (or infamous) example is the Enryaku-ji, which was burned to the ground by Nobunagas forces in 1571, with a death toll of about 20,000. The Tokugawa Period Although the dawn of the Tokugawa Period saw the warrior-monks crushed, militarism and Buddhism joined forces once more in 20th century Japan, before and during the Second World War. In 1932, for example, an unordained Buddhist preacher called Nissho Inoue hatched a plot to assassinate major liberal or westernizing political and business figures in Japan so as to restore full political power to Emperor Hirohito. Called the League of Blood Incident, this scheme targeted 20 people and managed to assassinate two of them before the Leagues members were arrested. Once the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II began, various Zen Buddhist organizations in Japan carried out funding drives to buy war material and even weapons. Japanese Buddhism was not quite so closely associated with violent nationalism as Shinto was, but many monks and other religious figures participated in the rising tide of Japanese nationalism and war-mongering. Ã Some excused the connection by pointing to the tradition of samurai being Zen devotees. In Recent Times In more recent times, unfortunately, Buddhist monks in other countries have also encouraged and even participated in wars - particular wars against religious minority groups in predominantly Buddhist nations. One example is in Sri Lanka, where radical Buddhist monks formed a group called the Buddhist Power Force, or B.B.S., which provoked violence against the Hindu Tamil population of northern Sri Lanka, against Muslim immigrants, and also against moderate Buddhists who spoke up about the violence. Although the Sri Lankan Civil War against the Tamils ended in 2009, the B.B.S. remains active to this day. Example of Buddhist Monks Committing Violence Another very disturbing example of Buddhist monks inciting and committing violence is the situation in Myanmar (Burma), where hard-line monks have been leading the persecution of a Muslim minority group called the Rohingya. Led by an ultra-nationalist monk called Ashin Wirathu, who has given himself the bewildering nickname of the Burmese Bin Laden, mobs of saffron-robed monks have led attacks on Rohingya neighborhoods and villages, attacking mosques, burning homes, and assaulting people.Ã Ã In both the Sri Lankan and Burmese examples, the monks see Buddhism as a key component of their national identity. They consider any non-Buddhists in the population than to be a threat to the unity and strength of the nation. As a result, they react with violence. Ã Perhaps, if Prince Siddhartha was alive today, he would remind them that they should not nurture such an attachment to the idea of the nation.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Language And Culture Of Anishinaabe People Essay
Language And Culture Of Anishinaabe People - Essay Example Children learn their language, governance, the judicial system, culture, religion, and citizenship. This culture was overshadowed by Christianity and modernization, but the remaining descendants teach their children about their ancestors in order to ensure the continuity of their culture. It is difficult to maintain ethnic identity without the existence of language. The Anishinaabe descendants struggle to maintain continuity of their language by teaching their children. The learning process begins by explaining the meaning of the verbs in the seven teachings (Apple, 2008). The seven pronouns are set in the teachings called the seven grandfathers. These are Nbwaakaawin (wisdom), Zaagiââ¬â¢idiwin (love), Minaadendamowin (respect), Aakwaââ¬â¢odeââ¬â¢ewin (bravery), Debwewin (truth), Dibaadendiziwin (humility) and Gwekwaadiziwin (Honesty). These are part of the original words of the ancestors that form the roots of the language. Understanding language helps to understand the cultural practices, institutions, and social festivities observed by the Anishinaabe. The elderly in the communities act as reference points for teachers and learners of the language. Their dialect and understanding of the language have not been overly diluted by the English language, as is t he case among the young people (Eigenbrod, LaRocque and DePasquale, 2010). The Ojibway language, part of the Algonquian language group, is the most frequently spoken Aboriginal language besides Cree and Inuit languages. It is usually expressed in syllabics or the Roman orthography. The syllabics were invented in 1840 by James Evans, a missionary working in Hudsonââ¬â¢s Bay. Some Anishinaabe people claim that he did not invent the symbols, but he incorporated them into the writing system.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ST. George implements market orientation (p26) Essay
ST. George implements market orientation (p26) - Essay Example Many commercial banks and investment banks were bound to close their shutters. Almost all of the major economies have suffered recession. Therefore, it is obvious that such a crisis would have effect on this leading bank of Australia. But the extent of the affect would be much less than its global peers. The reason behind such an impact is basically because of the strong regulatory norms prevalent in Australia. The micro environment of marketing includes the consumers, the suppliers and the stakeholders. The broader form i.e. the macro environment comprises of factors like political, social, environmental and technological. The bank has been undertaking various measures to ensure that the customer focus is maintained. It has developed new distribution channel and also trained the staffs such a way that can be beneficial to the customers and thereby providing for a new customer relationship management. With such emphasis on the customers, the bank can definitely hope to create value for the stake holders. The macro environmental factors also contribute towards the customer orientation. Politically the nation is quite stable. The take over of the St George Bank by the Westpac is expected to have long lasting effect on the economy of the nation. The technology has also been utilised prudently by the bank. Market orientation can be referred as the business philosophy that helps to identify the stated or the unstated need of the consumers. The objective of the bank is to utilise the environmental factors, both internal as well as external, towards customer satisfaction of the customers. Therefore, it can be well understood that the market orientation ultimately deals with the customers. St George Bank has taken steps to ensure that the organisation recruits team members with right blend of attitude and skill so that the customer orientation gets the maximum focus. The St George Bank has been doing quite well in the recent past. The bank is regarded as the
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